
Originally published on March 11, 2018

Ya know, there comes a point in your life where you begin to get a little tired of getting in your own way. It's not so much about what everybody else is saying or thinking, but it's all about the world of thoughts that are circling in your own head. I don't know about you, but for me, it was those very thoughts that prevented me from "putting myself out there."

Somewhere along the way, that tiredness became frustration. My vision and dreams of what could happen wasn't happening. I blamed everything else, but God lovingly blamed me. My brother (aka broski) said to me "Vicky, you are so multi-talented! You have an eye for this and you're great at that, but you don't do actually use your gifts." God lovingly sent that wake up call through the one person He knew I couldn't deny. He was right. I wasn't taking advantage of the resources around me, nor was I utilizing the very gifts and talents that God put within me.

At the core of my being, I am a helper. I'm that girl that just wants to help everybody be the best that they can be. Little did I know, that had to start with me, and so here I am. Welcome! I can't wait to begin sharing my life experiences, truths, and stories with you through this blog! Needless to say, if you want to keep up with me, be sure to subscribe. Much love! ♥

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Peace, Be Still