Peace, Be Still
Originally published on March 21, 2018
For the past couple of days, it has been on my heart to become more cautious of what I am partaking in or consuming, whether that's through watching tv, scrolling through everyone's highlights or memes on social media, or even through the music that I'm listening to.
Time stops for no one. We can be so quick to say that we don't have time for "nonsense," yet we engage in entertaining distractions every day while the clock is still tick tick ticking away.
I definitely am guilty of this! So, in an effort to soak in the things around me, I decided to grab my camera and just go for it. I challenged myself to walk around without listening to music. I had the pleasure of capturing some of my food and beverages from local restaurants, as well as the little things that I wouldn't have otherwise noticed while walking such as flowers, rocks, and a random door. It was during this walk that I found peace.
The birds whistled through the winds, people jogged with vigor, and cars flashed by; meanwhile, I relished in my now. Again, time waits for not a soul. It's one of the most precious and expensive things that God freely supplies us with from birth. Although I love a snarky joke or a good make up beat, it is my privilege and responsibility as a citizen of God's kingdom to be a good steward of my time and attention. Through this experience, I realized that peace is not the lack of noise or some aesthetically pleasing shot of the beach or mountains. Peace is a steadfastness, contentment, and certainty that only God, through the Holy Spirit, can supply. Just as He used His time and my attention to give me peace during my walk, God can do the same for you if you allow Him to. With that I humbly ask you, what are you doing to make room for God's peace in your life?
Peace, be still.
Much love. ♥